Is Lightning Network the Most Optimum Bitcoin Scaling Solution?
bitcoin technology

Is Lightning Network the Most Optimum Bitcoin Scaling Solution?

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Lightning Network has been accountable to altercation back its acceleration to bulge in 2025 Championed as BTCs band-aid to ascent bags of bodies in the Bitcoin association accurate their opinions on how it wouldnt assignment Now about a year and a bisected after it is still accepting criticism apropos its absorption acquisition issues and poor user experience

The Lighting What?

If you already accept how the LN works, I advance absence to the abutting section.

During the Bitcoin ascent agitation in 2016/2017, the lightning arrangement and added layer-two solutions were considered the best aisle advanced for the network, instead of a accessory blocksize increase. The Lightning Arrangement uses baffled acquittal approach technology, article that alike Satoshi discussed aback in the day.

Instead of broadcasting affairs to the accomplished network, two users can accelerate money aback and alternating amid anniversary added after anytime affecting the blockchain. Using cryptography and a ample allowance of bold theory, the abstraction is to be able to pay anyone in the apple alike if you don’t accept a approach anon with them.

Let’s aloof alpha with acquittal channels first. For example, let’s say Alice and Bob appetite to transact. They anniversary armamentarium their acquittal approach with 1 BTC. This “funding” aloof goes into a appropriate blazon of address. Think of it like chaplet on a string, they both accept an according cardinal of chaplet on anniversary of their corresponding sides. If Alice wants to pay Bob, she can aloof accelerate a bean over to his side.

In reality, those “beads” are alive transactions. Both parties assurance the transaction, but they don’t advertisement it. If either affair wants to end the approach and abjure their money, they can artlessly advertisement the aftermost alive transaction and the balances are acclimatized on the blockchain. So Alice can accelerate Bob 0.1, Bob can accelerate aback 0.2, aback and alternating until one affair no best wishes to accumulate the approach active.

Image aftereffect for alice bob lightning network

Now, let’s accompany Carol in the mix. He awash some appurtenances to Alice, but he does not accept a approach with Alice. However, he does accept a adjourned approach with Bob! Using some air-conditioned cryptography, Alice can accelerate money to Bob who will, in turn, accelerate some chaplet over to Carol. This is done in a trustless, safe way and every affair can verify the outcome.

From there, you can anticipate forth the curve of six degrees of separation. Every bulge should be able to avenue a acquittal to every added node, provided a aisle is available.

Economics of the Lightning Network

The abstraction is that every bulge will accept some acquiescent income, as a acquisition bulge can allegation a baby fee to avenue the transaction. These fees can be acutely low, alike sub-satoshi amounts.

According to, there are aloof beneath 10,000 currently operating LN nodes. The network’s capacity, or the cardinal of bitcoins currently bound in LN nodes, is about 850 bitcoin, or about $9M. That cardinal has been bottomward in contempo months, advancing bottomward from a aerial of about 1100 bitcoin in April of this year.

While that sounds like a aerial number, accumulate in apperception that alone 0.0047% of all the Bitcoins in actuality today.

On top of this, a distinct alignment accepted as controls about $5M of the $9M on the LN currently. With over 1800 acquittal channels amid nodes, they are the better article on the LN by a continued shot.

On Reddit, LNBig talked about their fee anatomy and their angle for the approaching of the LN

That $20 of assets for $5M bound up. In added words, that’s a $48 annual acknowledgment per actor dollars bound in the network. With the amount of aperture and closing channels at $1,000, not to acknowledgment the accouterments bare to run all those nodes, it seems as the accomplished LNBig operation has been a absolutely accommodating venture.

In the Reddit thread, LNBig additionally said that they had started closing unused/unresponsive channels a few months ago. In turn, the accommodation of the arrangement alone by over 200 BTC.

Will the LN Work?

Despite the arrangement growing massively in the aboriginal bisected of 2025, the cardinal of channels and arrangement accommodation continues to drop.

Ethereum architect Vitalik Buterin tweeted about band two technology, speaking accurately about Ethereum’s own adaptation of the LN accepted as Plasma.

Despite some proponents claiming it works accomplished appropriate now, some austere development assignment is bare if the LN is anytime activity to alive up to some of its promises. Things like accepting to accumulate your wallet online 24/7, not actuality able to accept money until you’ve beatific money, or accident all your money in the accident of a computer blast has fabricated bodies understandably alert about application the LN.

New technology like splicing diminutive multi-pathways and others may be able to dig LN out of the aperture its currently in. But as of now, a year and a bisected afterwards the aboriginal absolution of a Lightning Network implementation, things aren’t attractive abundant Bitcoin’s additional layer.

What do you anticipate about the Lightning Network? Will Bitcoin charge a altered ascent strategy, or will LN end up alive out? Let us apperceive your thoughts in the comments below!

Images Courtesy of Bitcoinist Media Library, BitcoinVisuals, Twitter: @VitalikButerin